Homework #5

Due: Tuesday, November 25, 1997, at 11:59PM
Points: 110

The UNIX Environment

Submitting: Put your answer into a file called Answers named as indicated and submit them as described in the All About Homework handout. Remember, we'll read it on the DECs, so be sure they work there! (Note: if you use ther file names, we will deduct 5 points.)

  1. (10 points) How would you print the date and time in the form
    Friday, May 13 1994 at 01:05AM PDT
    Give the UNIX command to do this.

The C Programming Language

Submitting: Put your program into files named as indicated and submit them as described in the All About Homework handout. Remember, we'll compile and run them on the DECs, so be sure they work there! (Note: if you use other file names, we will deduct 5 points.)

  1. (50 points) Write a program called choose that prints all permutations of m numbers chosen from the set 1 ... n. Your program is to take two arguments, the first of which is m and the second, n. For example,
    	choose 2 3
    would print
    	1 2
    	1 3
    	2 1
    	2 3
    	3 1
    	3 2
    (it may print these lines in any order). Put this into a file called choose.c. Remember to look for invalid command line numbers! (Both numbers must be positive, and m <= n.)

    Hint: use recursion.

  2. (50 points) The function dyngets is like the function fgets(3) except that it reads lines of arbitrary length, and returns a pointer to dynamically allocated memory containing the current input line. It is useful when the input line can be very, very long.

    A copy of this function is available. Unfortunately, it does not work right. Find, and fix, the error(s). Submit the corrected routine in a file called dyngets.c.

    To get this function, go to the directory ~cs40/hw5 in the CSIF. In that directory are the files dynget.c (the buggy source code) and dyngets.man (a manual page; it describes the arguments and the use of the function). The manual page's description of the function is what the debugged routine should conform to. Also present is a program testdg.c that can be used to test your dyngets function; it too has a manual page and source code in that directory/

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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 11/14/97