Lecture #1: Introduction

Reading: Holmes, Chapters 1-3, 6-8

Handouts: Course Information; Syllabus; All About Homework; Program Standards; CSIF Accounts; Reading USENET News with tin; Sample Basic C Programs; Pascal and C

Homework: Assignment #1, due Tuesday, October 7, at 6PM

  1. Greetings and felicitations
    1. Goals: learn about software development; as will study this in a UNIX environment, will use that operating system and C (but it generalizes easily)
    2. Go over academic integrity; emphasize that if you show programs to someone who hasn't done them, you cheated
    3. Go over homework policy; emphasize no lates and redo policy!
  2. What are the UNIX System and our campus setup?
    1. Single computer: UNIX is operating system plus user environment
    2. Networks link computers; campus network, Internet
  3. Instructional computers are workstations running NFS
  4. How to log in
    1. Login name, password to xsession; get xterm
    2. What login name, password are
    3. Discuss good and bad passwords here, why you should change it as quickly as possible
    4. Discuss department policy here
  5. How to send email
    1. Important addresses: cs40, cs40t, cs40r, support
    2. Show the command (mail user)
  6. How to compile a C program
    1. Use the DECs!!!
    2. Type program into text file using editor (vi, emacs, pico); file name must end in .c
    3. Compile: gcc -ansi -Wall file.c; output in a.out
    4. Show how to change output file name
  7. First C Program: fahr1.c
    1. Show how to compile it (UNIX commands)
    2. What happens: preprocessor, compiler proper, assembler, linking loader
  8. fahr1.c
    1. program (main, return or exit for main)
    2. declarations (int, register int)
    3. body (while, functions; printf)
  9. Basic operators
    1. arithmetic: +, -, *, /, %
    2. % defined so that n % p = r implies n = a * p + r for some a
    3. 5 % -2 can be 1 (5 = -2 * 3 + 1) or -1 (5 = -2 * 2 + -1)
  10. fahr2.c
    1. macros
    2. include <stdio.h>
  11. cat1.c
    1. EOF, getchar; show why c must be int, not char (c is unsigned char)
  12. cat2.c
    1. do ... while loop
  13. wc1.c
    1. void
  14. dands1.c
    1. arrays (0-based, not 1-based)
    2. ++, logical operator evaluation (lazy evaluation)
  15. dands2.c
    1. switch
  16. pow.c
    1. function prototype & declaration

Course Information


Matt Bishop
office 3059 Engineering Unit II email [email protected]
telephone (916) 752-8060 URL http://seclab.cs.ucdavis.edu/~bishop


Sections A01 and A02: TuTh 9:00-10:20AM in Art Building, Room 217
Sections B01 and B02: TuTh 12:10-1:30PM in Temporary Classroom 3

Course Outline

Elements of program style, documentation, efficiency. Methods for debugging and verification. Application of dynamic data structures. Introduction to the programming language C.

Course Goals

  1. Become a good C programmer
  2. Develop strong debugging skills (especially in the UNIX environment)
  3. Learn how to analyze a program for potential portability problems or inefficiencies
  4. Learn about pointers and recursion
  5. Learn the basics of file manipulation
  6. Understand the essentials of developing and organizing large (multi-file) programs
  7. Learn the basics about the UNIX file system and processes
This course is a prerequisite for several upper division computer science classes; hence, we use the C programming language and the UNIX environment to demonstrate the ideas and principles of software development, because that will prepare you for later courses in the department. But remember these principles are universal, and would apply even if we used BASIC and the CP/M environment!

Discussion Sections

Section A01: M 5:10-6:00PM in Banier Hall, Room 1132
Section A02: W 5:10-6:00PM in Banier Hall, 1132
Section B01: M 4:10-5:00PM in Banier Hall, 1132
Section B02: F 4:10-5:00PM in Hoagland Hall, 108
These are required; they present new material as well as review material presented in class. Material presented in these sections is important and will be covered on the exams. The same material will be covered in these sections, so it does not matter which one you go to.


Course Handouts

Handouts and programs will also be in the class directory ~cs40, or in subdirectories; see the README file in each directory for more information. You can also access the handouts via the World Wide Web; the URL is http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~cs40.

Class Newsgroup

Information about this class, homework assignments, office hours, and so forth, will be posted to the newsgroup ucd.class.ecs40 newsgroup. Read this newsgroup daily, especially near the time assignments are due. You are responsible for everything posted to this newsgroup. This newsgroup is not for discussion about the class, but information from the instructor and teaching assistants to you.

Please post things about the class in the discussion newsgroup ucd.class.ecs40.d. Discussing something in this group is perfectly fair!


Midterm Examination: Thursday, October 30, in class
Final Examination: Sections A01 and A02: Friday, December 12, 4:00PM-6:00PM
Sections B01 and B02: Saturday, December 13, 10:30AM-12:30PM
These exams are open book/open notes. If you miss an exam for medical reasons (you must document this), you may be allowed or required to take a make-up exam, or the other parts of the course will be counted proportionally more (the choice is the instructor's). In particular, forgetting the time or place of an exam is not an excuse for missing it!

Lab Exam: take-home

This exam will require you to demonstrate that you know how to use gdb, among other things. It will be graded pass/fail.


Programs50%Midterm exam20%
Lab exam5%Final exam25%

Academic Integrity

Please see the Code of Academic Conduct on pp. 148-149 of the Fall 1997 Class Schedule & Room Directory. In particular, for this course, you may discuss general approaches with your classmates, teaching assistant(s), and/or the instructor. However, the actual expression of the answer, or the coding of the program and its attendant documentation, must be your own. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the assignment, collaboration is considered cheating and will be dealt with accordingly. Further:

A good analogy between appropriate discussion and inappropriate collaboration is the following: you and a fellow student work for competing software companies developing different products to meet a given specification. You and your competitor might choose to discuss product specifications and general techniques employed in your products, but you certainly would not discuss or exchange proprietary information revealing details of your products. Ask the instructor or a teaching assistant for clarification beforehand if the above rules are not clear.


1.Thu, Sep. 25Getting Started; Writing and Compiling C
2.Tue, Sep. 30C Program Basics, Operators
3.Thu, Oct. 2Operators, Control Flow
DiscussionThe UNIX File System
4.Tue, Oct. 7Pointers, Command-Line Interface
5.Thu, Oct. 9Pointers; Storage, Structures, Casting
DiscussionUNIX Processes and Shells
6.Tue, Oct. 14Functions and Scope; Program Stack
7.Thu, Oct. 16Recursion, Program Stack
DiscussionInternet, World Wide Web
8.Tue, Oct. 21Preprocessor
9.Thu, Oct. 23Standard I/O Library
DiscussionOther Libraries
10.Tue, Oct. 28UNIX/process interface, system calls
11.Thu, Oct. 30midterm
DiscussionReview for Midterm
12.Tue, Nov. 4C compiler details, make
13.Thu, Nov. 6Debugging, gdb
DiscussionIntroduction to C++
14.Tue, Nov. 11Modularity and Interfaces; Portability
15.Thu, Nov. 13Robust Programming
DiscussionData Abstraction in C++
16.Tue, Nov. 18Top-Down Design
17.Thu, Nov. 20Bottom-Up Design, Toolkit Approach
DiscussionOverloading in C++
18.Tue, Nov. 25Rapid Prototyping, Shell Programming
Thu, Nov. 27Thanksgiving Holiday
Discussionno section meetings
19.Tue, Dec. 2Profiling
20.Thu, Dec. 4Conclusions and review
DiscussionReview for final

All About Homework

The homework will consist primarily of programming questions, but sometimes will include questions which require explanation, analysis, or a demonstration of how to do something. This handout describes some general thoughts and techniques for doing homework, as well as what is required, how to submit it, how late homeworks are handled, and other administrative matters.

What We Look For In Homework

When we grade your homework, we look for simplicity, clarity, elegance, and documentation. The requirements for documentation, commenting, and coding are described later in this handout. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, every program you turn in must meet those standards and have the attendant documentation.

When you are asked to analyze something, or explain something, please be complete, and show your work (including any commands you give, and their output, to show how you did the problem); if you don't, your answer must be exactly the correct one or you get no points. Think your answer through and do a rough draft before you begin to write or type. Write clearly and cogently. If the question asks for an opinion, state your opinion clearly, and don't ramble. Answers which start, "My opinion is yes ..." and conclude with " ... so on the other hand I guess it could be no equally well" won't get much credit.

Doing Homework

We must emphasize the importance of taking time to design your program, or outline and draft your answer, thoroughly. More programming problems arise from improper design than anything else, and the few hours you spend on design will be amply repaid by shorter coding and debugging phases. So do think the design and interfaces through, and -- as always -- try to find the simplest way to do the assignment (within the limits given in the assignment, of course)!

Do not leave assignments for the last minute. The assignments will require significant design time before you start programming and debugging. When we decide on the due dates, we assume you will spend significant amounts of time on design as well as coding and debugging. If you choose not to do this, you will have difficulty finishing the assignments on time.

We do not mind being asked for help; indeed, we welcome it because it helps us know what the students are finding difficult or confusing, and sometimes a few words about the problem in class will clarify the assignment immensely. We do mind being asked for help before you have tried to think the problem through; the classic objectionable question (this really happened) occurred on a homework assignment in which the class was given a buggy program. The assignment said the program did not work, and the homework was to debug it and make it work. Within 10 minutes of the end of the class during which the assignment was given out, we got a request for help: "The program doesn't run. What do I do now?"

So, before asking for help, please be sure that you have:

  1. spent a significant amount of time on the design of your solution;
  2. used a debugger if the problem is a programming bug;
  3. read all relevant handouts, sections of the textbook, and news articles (because your question may be answered there); and
  4. tried everything you could think of to solve the problem.
When you come to us, or send us a note, asking for help, please bring whatever you have done to solve the problem, because the first question we will ask you is "What have you tried to solve the problem?" This isn't because we think you're wasting our time; it's because understanding how you have tried to solve the problem will help us figure out exactly what the problem is and what we can do to help you solve it. Remember, we will do everything we can to avoid solving the problem for you; when we give you help, our goal is to help you solve the problem yourself.

What You Are To Turn In

You must subqmit your homework electronically. Suppose your program for hw3 is in the files getnum.c and printnum.c. To turn it in, say
handin cs40r hw3 getnum.c printnum.c
This program will submit your files to the ECS 40 grader. Once you submit your homework, you cannot alter it in any way; should you wish to change your answer, make the change and resubmit the homework. We'll take the date and time of the last file you submit as the date and time of submission of your homework, and base lateness on that.

A manual page for the handin program is at the end of this section.

Some assignments will ask you to show the output on your screen; programming assignments require that you submit a sample run (using either your data or, if we give you some, our data). To do this, use the script(1) program to save the output into a file. For example, suppose the program you had to write is called randx and generates random numbers between 30 and 60. The number of numbers it produces is given by a command line argument. Here's how you would generate the file for the output (you type what is in boldface):

dec32 % script hw1-4-run
typescript started, file is hw1-4-run
dec32 % randx 5
dec32 % exit
dec32 % dec32 % 
Then the file hw1-4-run contains the command, and output, given above. Submit it as above.

If you want to be sure your submission made it, execute

handin ecs40r hw3
and you'll get a list of what you have submitted so far:
The following input files have been received:
Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994        1599 bytes     getnum.c
Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994        3412 bytes     printnum.c
We expect any file you submit to be readable as is on the instructional DECStations. This means that you are free to type in your answers on your personal computer (or anywhere else), but we'll use more, cat, lpr, or one of the UNIX text editors to read the file. So be sure to look at what you're going to turn in on the instructional DECs before you turn it in!

We also expect any program you submit to compile (using the gcc(1) compiler with the -ansi and -Wall flags, unless stated otherwise) and execute on the instructional DECStations without change. (Don't forget to include those header files, programs, and other parts when we give them to you!) This means that you are free to develop your program on your personal computer (or anywhere else), but we'll use your Makefile to compile whatever you submit. So be sure to test what you're going to turn in on the instructional DECs before you turn it in!

Late Homework

If an assignment is not turned in by the date and time specified on the assignment, it is late. We will not accept late assignments, because we will make a sample solution available after the assignment is due. Exceptions will be granted only for a very good reason, and will be handled on a case-by-case basis; if an extension is given, the assignment may be changed (possibly substantially).

To see if a homework is late, we check the submission times on the electronically submitted homework. The latest date is the one that we use.

How We Grade It

Here's a rough weighting of the various factors that go into the grade of each program:

Correctness 70%

Documentation, commenting, ease of reading 20%

Clean, readable output 10%

If your program does not compile, the most you can get is 30%.

There is one catch to the grade. If your program does not work correctly, you will be given at least one example of input that produces an error. You must fix the program, so it does work correctly, within one week of being notified. If you do not, your score on the assignment will become 0%. When you resubmit the fixed assignment, submit the entire fixed assignment to hwn-fix; for example, if the above had a bug in getnum.c, you would fix the bug and then do:

handin cs40r hw3-fix getnum.c printnum.c

Grade Appeals

If you wish to appeal a grade you are given, first write out all your objections to the grade and request a regrade. Then give (or email) it to your TA; he or she will pass it to the grader. The grader will regrade it, and report your new score (which can go down as well as up). Should you wish to challenge the grade further, write out your objections to the new score, and give your TA a copy of the original objections, the grader's response, and your new objections, as well as what you turned in. The TA will then regrade the assignment; again, your score can go up or down. If you still wish to challenge the TA's grade, again write out your objections, and come see me. Be aware that failing to follow the requirements is not grounds for changing a grade; in particular, if your program does not compile on the instructional DECStations, you'll get no sympathy from us at all.

All grade appeals must be made within two class periods of when the returned assignments were made available. After that, we won't look at it.

handin Manual Page


handin - file submission program


handin touser [ subdirectory [ files ... ] ]


handin provides a secure means of submitting files to another user, recounting what has already been submitted, and listing what subdirectories exist for containing submissions.


Submitting files

With touser, subdirectory and files all specified, each file is copied to ~touser/handin/subdirectory/fromuser, named with the original file's basename(1), and made owned by touser. The directory fromuser is made if it doesn't already exist and is named after the invoking user. Each file specified should have a basename(1) unique among any files already submitted by that user to subdirectory, unless overwriting is desired.

Recounting submissions

Without files specified, information on previous submissions by the user to the specified subdirectory is shown.

Listing existing subdirectories

Run with only touser specified, handin just lists the existing subdirectories (regardless of accessability).


The following examples illustrate the use as a homework submission facility to the pseudo-user ``cs101'' created for this purpose:
example1% handin cs101
Existing subdirectories (comments in parentheses):
Asn1    (Due Mar 18)
Asn2    (Due Mar 25)
example2% handin cs101 Asn1 part1 part2
Submitting part1... ok
Submitting part2... ok
example3% handin cs101 Asn1
The following input files have been received:
Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994        1599 bytes      part1
Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994        3412 bytes      part2




handin itself provides only a little of the diagnostic information that's given and returns the number of errors encountered as its exit status. Any other information comes from rcvhandin(8).

Skipping file: file non-existant or irregular

The named file didn't exist or was probably a directory. The user should check to make sure that the file they specified was indeed the file they intended to submit.

Skipping file: file not readable
The named file was not readable by the user.

Submitting file... failed [: reason ]
The named file was not successfully submitted. If at all possible a reason is provided by rcvhandin(8).

Submitting file... ok
The named file was successfully submitted.


handin is really just a front-end to the rcvhandin(8) program. The primary function of handin is to open the named files with the effective user ID of the invoking user and pass on their contents to the rcvhandin(8) program having the effective user ID of touser. This design provides a simple and portable means for implementing a file submission facility in even a non-homogeneous, network-file-system environment.


Lou Langholtz, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, 1994

Program Standards

Computer programs are meant for two audiences: the computer that compiles and runs it, and the people who must read, modify, or evaluate the program. Most programming shops have "inhouse standards" for programming style since a standard style tends to make programs more readable. Engineering and Computer Science 40 is no exception; its rules are listed in this section. Part of your homework grade reflects how well you meet these standards.

Code Indentation and Formatting must follow the standard C style, which is illustrated in the text. It's not the prettiest style but it is quite standard. Please indent eight spaces (a tab) for each level of indentation.

Capitalization rules in C are also fairly standardized, although a bit unpleasant. Every part of your code must be in lowercase, except for names of macros, defined types, and enumerated constants which are entirely UPPERCASE.

Comments should be used to make programs absolutely clear. Use them liberally but not so much that the meaning gets submerged.

You should comment your program as you write it. It is actually much faster than going back later, and comments are very useful when debugging. (If what the comment says the code does is different than what it really does, you found a bug.) Graders, teaching assistants, and instructors reserve the right to refuse to look at uncommented programs.

ECS 40 "house standards" call for four kinds of comments; we'll describe each in turn.

Start-of-file Comments

 * hashtest.c      Sam Bent          date unknown
 * Test hash table routines. Loop endlessly, requesting keys from
 * stdin. If key doesn't exist, insert it in the table with value
 * n (where it's the n-th key added to table). If key does exist,
 * print its stored value of n.
 * Modification History:
 *     1 Jan 94   Matt Bishop; changed to conform to ECS 40 style
 *    29 Nov 90   Chip Elliott; changed to conform to CS 23 style
 *                and use ANSI C.
The comments at the beginning of a file, collectively called its "header," must contain your name in addition to other general information about the program and what it does. The date when the program was written and a history of major modifications are required.

Complex data structures used by a file should be illustrated with a figure, as shown below.

 * HASHTABLE       hashstruct
 *           +-------------------+     Allocated Block
 *    ht  -> |     ht_ID         |       of HASHSLOTs
 *           +-------------------+    +-----------------+
 *           |     ht_size       | +->|      ....       |
 *           +-------------------+ |  +-----------------+
 *           |     ht_cnt        | |  |      ....       |
 *           +-------------------+ |  +-----------------+
 *           |     ht_curslot    | |  |      ....       |
 *           +-------------------+ |  +-----------------+
 *           |     ht_slots      |-+  |     HASHSLOT    |----+
 *           +-------------------+    +-----------------+    |
 *                                           ....            |
 *                                           ....            |
 *           +-----------------------------------------------+
 *           |
 *           |        hashentry
 *           |   +----------------+    +-----------------+
 *           +-> |      h_key     |--> |    key's text   |
 *               +----------------+    +-----------------+
 *               |      h_val     |
 *               +----------------+

Start-of-function Comments

 * ht_enter
 * Enter a key into a hashtable and return its HASHSLOT.
 * If necessary, expand the table to hold the new key.
 * If the key is already there, just return its HASHSLOT.
 * Entered by:  ht   -- hash table
 *             *key  -- key to enter
 * Exits with:  key in hashtable
 *                 if newly created, its val.p field is
 *                 set to NULL
 *              ht possibly expanded
 *              returns key's HASHSLOT
 * Exceptions:  "parameter is not a hash table"  (fatal)
 *              "not enough memory to enter item into 
 *                                  hash table"  (fatal)
HASHSLOT ht_enter(HASHTABLE ht, char *key)
Each function must have its own header. The reader should be able to determine what a function does and how to use it by reading only this header information. Things like global variables referenced or modified, assumptions about the input, or anything else that the reader should know before "lifting" a function and using it in another program should go here. So should the algorithm used, if it's not absolutely clear.

One thing that you may not be familiar with is input and output assertions. "Input assertions" is a fancy way of saying "I assume this about the input." For example, for a square root routine sqrt(x), the usual input assertion is "x > 0." Output assertions are similar -- they describe what is true after the function has been called. It is a good habit to get into writing these assertions. It helps you specify exactly what the routine does, and this is precisely the information that someone needs to know in order to lift your routine and use it elsewhere.

You should also include a list of Exceptions, i.e., unusual/error cases and what the function does with them.

If you borrow code from another source (a fine idea, by the way) you should cite the author, book, and -- if possible -- page numbers. Be specific enough so another reader can find the reference.

Paragraph Comments

	 * update ht's HASHSTRUCT contents
	/* first, copy size and count */
	ht->ht_size  = newht->ht_size;
	ht->ht_cnt   = newht->ht_cnt;
	/* release old hash slots, start using new ones */
	ht->ht_slots = newht->ht_slots;
	/* free newht's HASHTABLE */
When you write pseudo-code or describe how a subroutine accomplishes its task ,you usually break it down into a series of steps. (To insert an item into an array you find where it belongs, move everything after it down one place, and finally copy the item into the correct position.) These steps sometimes become subroutines with descriptive names, but often they become half a dozen lines of code. In this case, it helps to write a comment that explains the purpose of the next section of code. The first comment is an example of this kind of comment.

Sometimes a paragraph comment is completely boxed, like this:

	 * update ht's HASHSTRUCT contents *
These are also called boxed comments. You can use this style if you prefer.

Line Comments

	HASHTABLE ht;		/* ht  = hashtable */
	HASHSLOT *hp;		/* hp  = ptr to hash table entry */
	int n=O;			/* n   = key number (put into ht) */
	char key[100];		/* key = entry's key */

	 * create a new hash table
	ht = ht_create(0);

	 * loop, reading input and acting accordingly
	    /* prompt and get input */
	    printf("Key: ");
	    scanf("%s", key);

	     * if "dump", show what's in the hash table
	    if (strcmp(key, "dump") == 0){
	        /* bingo -- dump the hash table */

	     * enter the key into the hash table
	     * announcing if it is already there
	    hp = ht_enter(ht, key);
	    if (hp->h_data == NULL){
	        /* key is new -- say so, and store it in entry */
	        printf("%s is a new key, number %d. ", key, ++n);
	        hp->h_data = (caddr_t) n;
	        /* key is new -- say so, and store it in entry */
	        printf("%s is key %d. ", key, (int) hp->h_data);
In declarations. Explain the use of constants, types, and variables. Part of this is choosing descriptive names. Avoid single-letter names (except for i, j, k, and their ilk as loop variables when nothing more descriptive is useful). Most of the time you should supplement this with a more descriptive comment when the constant, type, or variable is declared. Sum is a fine variable name for a partial sum, but its declaration should state whether it is summing the grades for an exam, the cost of books for a given term, or whatever. Put these comments at the end of each declaration line, and align the beginning of the ordinary comments in a set of declarations, as shown. If the comment takes more than one line, align the second line too.

In code. Comments should also be placed above a line of code if it will clarify what the code does. These comments should explain how that particular line of code fits into the general scheme of things. The comment:

/* Assign item to ith position of list */
list[i] = item;
is worthless. It simply repeats what the code says. Assume that the reader can read the code, and explain the purpose of the statement. The comment:
/* Put item to be inserted into empty spot */
list[i] = item;
is much better. These comments are especially useful if the code is somewhat tricky or non-intuitive, and if an innocent-looking statement has consequences not obvious from the statement itself.

Align all these ordinary comments with the beginning of the line they explain. Otherwise they are messy and distracting.

Structured Programming

All the comments in the world will not make a 10-page monolithic block of spaghetti code intelligible. You should already know a little about breaking your programs into functions and subroutines. We will be discussing methods for decomposing problems in this class, and suggest that you use them. A common question is "how long should a function be?" Most functions end up being short. If a function is longer than a page, it is usually (but not always) better broken into separate functions.

We would like to also comment on the infamous goto statement. The uncontrolled use of goto can make programs totally unintelligible, and many of you have probably been convinced that a goto statement is programming's worst sin.

We consider goto statements justifiable in one case: "error bailout." In some cases, functions call other functions (often recursively) and it is possible to get 20 or 30 nested calls. If at this point an error is discovered, that error must be passed back up through the 20 or 30 calls. Each function must deal with the question "what should I do if this function I am about to call finds an error?" This is certainly doable and can sometimes lead to better error recovery, but functions must pass and test error flags everywhere. A goto back to the top level, if carefully used and properly commented, can greatly simplify life. We will discuss both approaches later in class.

Completeness and Correctness

Submitted assignments should be complete and correct. Listings must show the final version of the program; handwritten corrections to the program will not be accepted. If your program does not work perfectly by the time it is due, turn in your best effort with a clear explanation of what works and what does not. It is more valuable to demonstrate that you understand the merits and limits of your program than to hope the defects in a half-working program will go unnoticed.

CSIF Accounts

The staff has created instructional accounts for all students who are registered for Computer Science courses in Fall Quarter 1996 but who did not already have an account on the Computer Science instructional machines. Find the list of new accounts downstairs. The list is alphabetized by last name. Look down the list until you find your name. In the "Account Name" column is the name of the computer account that has been assigned to you. It's also called a "login name". (It does not apply to IT [Information Technology, essentially the campus computer center] accounts, to ACS [Academic Computing Services, a unit of the College of Engineering] accounts, or to ECE [Electrical and Computer Engineering] accounts. It applies only to your Computer Science account.) The Computer Science instructional machines are in the basement of the east wing of building Engineering II.

If your name does not appear on this list, either you already have an account on the Computer Science instructional machines, or your name was not included on the class lists that we got from the registrar. The latter may occur if you have added a Computer Science class, as opposed to pre-registering for one. In this case, your account will be added the day after we receive notification from the registrar that you have added the class. Your account name and login name will then be posted as described above.

An initial password has been assigned to your account: the last 8 numeric digits of your student id number. (The student id number has 9 numeric digits in it, so omit the first one, and omit the hyphens to form your initial password.) Because your student id number is something that other people can probably find out about you, a password based on your student id number is not very secure. That is, someone other than you could login to your account, including hackers. Since you are the only one who is authorized to use your account, it is imperative that you change your password as soon as possible. Use the yppasswd(1) command when logged in to the Computer Science instructional machines to do so. If you have not changed your password by 5pm on the Monday of the second week of classes, logins on your account will be disabled. To get logins on your account re-enabled, stop by room 047, whee the student assistants are located. You will need to bring your student id card.

Disk quotas have been installed. You may store no more than 10 Mbytes of data in your home directory.

If you have any questions, send mail to "support".


All programs and commands written for homework must work on the DEC, HP, and SGI systems unless specifically stated otherwise in the assignment. A goal of this class is for you to learn to write portable programs; also, the graders cannot know which system will be available to them when they grade your work. The computers are named according to the following schemes:
dec1, ..., dec62Digital Equipment Corp. workstations running Ultrix
sgi1, ..., sgi23Silicon Graphics, Inc. workstations running IRIX
hp2, ..., hp25Hewlett-Packard workstations running HP/UX
You can log on to the instructional systems in two ways: directly into a workstation in the basement of Engineering Unit II, or through a network login program (rlogin(1) or telnet(1)) on the UC Davis network.


To log in, type your account name and password on the login dialog box. Then click on OK. The workstation will (slowly) begin to open windows: two DECterm terminal windows, xman, and dxclock. Click on either terminal window to activate it, and start typing commands.

To open more DECterm windows, select DECterm from the (SM) system manager's Applications menu.

To end your session, select Quit from the (SM) system manager's Session menu.

Similar commands and actions work on the SGI's and the HP's.

Network Program

From any computer on the UC Davis network, use rlogin or telnet to connect to the instructional machines. This connection gives you one terminal window onto the UNIX system. You must first log in. Then be sure to set your terminal type to vt100 (or whatever is appropriate for your terminal) as shown below (you type what is in bold; the computer types what is in plain, and my comments are in italics):
ULTRIX V4.4 (Rev. 44) (dec32)

login: bishop
Password:				note my password is not echoed!
Last login: Mon Sep 20 16:11:56 from nob.cs.ucdavis.e
ULTRIX V4.3 (Rev. 69) System #1: Mon Aug 19 10:02:26 PDT 1996
UWS V4.4 (Rev. 11)

                Welcome to the CSIF!
You have mail.
dec32 1> setenv TERM vt100		be sure to do this first...
dec32 2> vi sort.c			...then precede with normal life
From workstations which do not run X Windows, you cannot use X-window tools. But you can access any of the UNIX machines from your dorm room. And all the really important tools (vi, gcc, etc.) work just the same on a plain terminal interface as they do through X Windows.

To open more terminal windows, use rlogin or telnet to create more connections to the UNIX machine. You'll have to log in for each new window.

To end your session, just log out.

The Special Keys

The UNIX operating system lets you configure which keys do what. That means, among other things, that no manual tells you which key does what -- since it varies from site to site. So here's the scoop for the machines that you will be using.

The little caret, as in ^C, means "press the control key while typing C."

WhatAt WorkstationOver the Network
delete previous characterDEL^H
delete line^U^U
kill a running program^C^C
end of file on standard input^D^D
escape key (useful for vi)F11ESC

A Sample Session

This extremely brief session shows how you might create a file, compile it, run the resulting executable file, print the source, and finally mail the program text to someone.
dec32 29> vi hi.c

	use vi to create/edit a new file hi.c

"hi.c" [New file] 10 lines, 135 characters
dec32 30> gcc -ansi hi.c             run the c compiler
ccom: Error: hi.c, line 9: syntax error
         printf("hi there!"\n);
volta 31> vi hi.c

	use vi to fix syntax errors

"hi.c" 10 lines, 135 characters
dec32 32> gcc hi.c                   run the c compiler again
dec32 33> a.out                      it compiled, so run the executable
hi there!
dec32 34> lpr hi.c                   print the source file
dec32 35> lpq                        check the printer queue
hexus is ready and printing via dev
Rank   Owner      Job  Files						Total Size
1st    bishop      49  hi.c						135 bytes
dec32 36> mail myfriend              mail a note to your friend
Subject: hi.c written
                                        this is part of the letter
Here's my first C program!  It just says hello,
but it does compile and execute cleanly.

~r hi.c                                 read message text from file hi.c
"hi.c" 10/135
.                                       this ends the letter
Cc: 	just hit return
dec32 37>

Reading Usenet News with tin

This handout will introduce you to reading usenet news with tin(1). Usenet news is similar to an electronic bulletin board; users across the network post messages for others to read, asking for discussion, answers to questions, etc. Messages typically consist of text entered by users, but messages may also contain encoded binary files, such as executable programs, pictures, or compressed files such as tar(1) files. The range of categories available open to discussion includes the gamut from want ads to discussions about bald spots. We will use the newsgroups to post information regarding the class. The newsgroup ucd.class.ecs40 is a read-only newsgroup where the teaching assistants, grader, or I will post important information. The newsgroup ucd.class.ecs40.d is a discussion newsgroup where you may post information to discuss class materials with your peers, or ask us questions which you think others might be interested in.

The original program to read news was called readnews(1). Since its inception, a plethora of other programs have been created which improve upon the original readnews, for example, rn(1), xrn(1), trn(1), nn(1), or frn(1). Most of these readers enhance the original by providing better interfaces and threading among followup messages. This handout will describe the basics of a threaded newsreader called tin(1).

To start tin, type

If this is the first time you have used tin, you will get some introductory text as follows:
dec32> tin
tin 1.2 PL1 [UNIX] (c) Copyright 1991-93 Iain Lea.
Connecting to news.ucdavis.edu...

                 *      Welcome to news.ucdavis.edu      *

On the Information Resources computers:
Tin now uses pico as the default editor.  If you wish to use vi as your
editor in tin, run 'tin-vi' at the Unix prompt.

If you are a faculty member and would like to set up newsgroups for class
use, mail [email protected]. (or other campus groups, clubs, etc.)

If you have questions about the use of tin 1.2, you can mail
[email protected], or call the IT-CAP at 2-2548.  Any problems regarding
the functionality of tin should be reported to [email protected]

Press any key to continue...
Reading news active file...
Reading attributes file...
Reading newsgroups file...

               tin 1.2 PL1 [UNIX] (c) Copyright 1991-93 Iain Lea.

Welcome to tin, a full screen threaded Netnews reader. It can read news locally
(ie. <spool>/news) or remotely (-r option) from a NNTP  (Network News Transport
Protocol) server. tin -h lists the available command line options.

Tin has five  newsreading levels,  the newsgroup  selection page,  the spooldir
selection page,  the group index page,  the thread listing page and the article
viewer. Help is available at each level by pressing the 'h' command.

Move up/down by using the terminal arrow keys or 'j' and 'k'.  Use PgUp/PgDn or
Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by pressing RETURN/TAB.

Articles, threads, tagged articles or articles matching a pattern can be mailed
('m' command), printed ('o' command), saved ('s' command), piped ('|' command).
Use the 'w' command  to post  a news  article,  the 'f'/'F' commands to  post a
follow-up  to  an existing  news article and the 'r'/'R' commands to  reply via
mail to an existing news articles author.  The 'M' command allows the operation
of tin to be configured via a menu.

For more information read the manual page, README, INSTALL, TODO and FTP files.
Please send bug reports/comments to the programs author with the 'R' command.
Next, you will be presented with a menu similar to that shown below. The first column indicates the number of each newsgroup, the second column shows the number of new messages in that group. The third column holds the actual name of the newsgroup while the last column gives a brief description of what the newsgroup is about. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor back and forth to select which group to read. At the bottom of the screen is a help menu which lists commonly used commands. Type H for a more complete help screen. Use PgUp or PgDn to move by a whole screen at a time. You may also use vi(1) commands to move; K up, J down, ^F to scroll forward one screen, and ^B to scroll backwards one screen.
1	188	ucd.forsale		Things for sale (offers and requests)
2	180	ucd.general		Items of general interest to UCD and D
3	18	ucd.jobs		Jobs offered and wanted
4	402	ucd.life		Davis Chatter
5	23	ucd.housing		Rentals available in Davis
6	113	ucd.itcap		IT-CAP announcements
7	287	ucd.test		Post test messages here
8	5783	ba.general		Announcements of general interest to a
9	6504 	ba.jobs.offered	Job Postings in the Bay Area.
10	1828	ca.general		Of general interest to readers in Calf
11	28937	misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items f
12	7684	rec.bicycles.misc	General discussion of bicycling.
13	23817	rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat o
14	3565	rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals

       <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
    g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
      s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
To add a new newsgroup, use the goto command. After you type g, tin will prompt you for the newsgroup to go to. To subscribe to the newsgroup used in this class, enter ucd.class.ecs40. After determining the newsgroup, tin will ask you where to put the new group in the list. Type 1 to put it first in the list of newsgroups.
Goto newsgroup []> ucd.class.ecs40
Position ucd.class.ecs40 in group list (1,2,..$) [18]> 1
The newsgroup will be placed into position 1 of your list. Your main menu will now look something like:
1	7	ucd.class.ecs40.sec01	Intro Software Development
2	188	ucd.forsale		Things for sale (offers and requests)
3	180	ucd.general		Items of general interest to UCD and D
4	18	ucd.jobs		Jobs offered and wanted
5	402	ucd.life		Davis Chatter
6	23	ucd.housing		Rentals available in Davis
7	113	ucd.itcap		IT-CAP announcements
8	287	ucd.test		Post test messages here
9	5783	ba.general		Announcements of general interest to a
10	6504 	ba.jobs.offered	Job Postings in the Bay Area.
11	1828	ca.general		Of general interest to readers in Calf
12	28937	misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items f
13	7684	rec.bicycles.misc	General discussion of bicycling.
14	23817	rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat o

       <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
    g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
      s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
You should also subscribe to the newsgroup ucd.class.ecs40.d, the discussion newsgroup for the course.

To read the messages in a newsgroup, move the cursor onto the newsgroup and press enter. You will be presented with a new menu similar to the one shown below. As always, a help menu is available at the bottom of the screen, and you may use the arrows to move and select which article to read. New articles are denoted by a + sign. If a number is next to an article, it indicates how many other articles are in that "thread." In this example, one article has been posted in reply to the article from Michelle Hoyle entitled "Comments on Assignment 1".

		ucd.class.ecs40.d (3T 1A 0K 0H)	h=help

	1	+	This Newsgroup			Matt Bishop      
	2	+1	Comments on Assignment 1	Michelle Hoyle

    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
  a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
    |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
If you select the first article and press the enter key, it will be displayed as follows:
Thu, 06 Jan 1994 10:26:40   ucd.class.ecs40.sec01.d         Thread    1 of    1
Lines 10                       This Newsgroup               No responses
[email protected]  Matt Bishop at Department of Computer Science, U

Just a reminder and a post to get things rolling on this newsgroups.
This group is where you, the students, may post and discuss the class
assignments or any problems/comments you may have.

Hope this helps,
Matt Bishop

    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
        a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
        |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
Once again, useful commands are shown at the bottom of the screen. Press the tab or enter key to read the next message in the thread (if any). Some of the more useful commands are summarized below:
  1. Print the article on the printer
  2. Mail this article to an email address
  3. Reply mail. Send mail to the poster of this article, quoting from the article
  4. Post a new article unrelated to this article
  5. Post a followup article related to this article
  6. Save article to disk. You have the option of saving the article directly, or automatically extracting encoded files (uuencode, shar, or zip formats).
As an example of posting a followup article, by pressing f you will be placed into the editor with the contents of the previous article "quoted" (i.e. preceded by ":" characters). This is useful in order to maintain the context of the previous article so that readers of your post are reminded of what you are replying to.
Subject: Re: This Newsgroup
Newsgroups: ucd.class.ecs40.sec01.d
References: <[email protected]>

Matt Bishop ([email protected]) wrote:
: Just a reminder and a post to get things rolling on this newsgroups.
: This group is where you, the students, may post and discuss the class
: assignments or any problems/comments you may have.

Hello, I'd like you to clarify part XXX in assignment ZZZ.
Thank you,
Diligent but confused ecs40 student.
Check Prepared Article
Your article will be posted to the following newsgroup:
	ucd.class.ecs40.d      Intro Software Development (dis)
This should be enough to get you started using netnews. Some frequently asked questions follow:
  1. Typing H doesn't bring up a help screen, but instead removed the miniature help screen from the bottom of the window.
  2. H toggles whether or not to show the help screen at the bottom of each window. Use h to get a listing of the help screen. In general, uppercase and lowercase commands do different things.
  3. After reading the messages, they don't show up anymore and I want to read them again.
  4. By default, tin only displays new articles. From the article menu, type r to toggle between displaying all articles or only new articles.
  5. There are hundreds of new messages I don't want to see. How do I reset the number of new messages to zero?
  6. Type c to catch up and mark all articles as read. This is useful if you are subscribing to a new newsgroup with lots of messages or if a large number of messages have collected over time.
  7. An old article seems to be gone. How can I get it back?
  8. You can't retrieve extremely old articles. Articles are automatically deleted by the system after approximately two weeks. Consequently, you should check news frequently and be sure to save any articles you think are important.
This handout has only covered a few of the basic aspects of tin and netnews. The best way to learn more is to simply play and experiment. Take advantage of the help screens, and feel free to subscribe to newsgroups which interest you.


Kendrick Mock wrote this handout, and Matt Bishop modified it slightly.

Sample Basic C Programs

Program #1: Fahrenheit and Celsius, Version 1

This prints a table with two columns, the left being Fahrenheit degrees, and the right the corrsponding Celsius temperatures.
#include <stdio.h>

 * print a table for Fahrenheit to Celsius
 * from 0 F to 300 F
void main(void)
	int fahr;			/* fahrenheit temperature */
	int celsius		;	/* celsius temperature */
	register int lower = 0;	/* begin table here */
	register int upper = 300;	/* end table here */
	register int step = 20;	/* increment */

	 * print out the lines for the table
	fahr = lower;
	while(fahr <= upper){
		/* get corresponding temp in degrees C */
		celsius = 5 * (fahr - 32) / 9;
		/* print it */
		printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celsius);
		fahr += step;

	 * say goodbye

Program #2: Fahrenheit and Celsius, Version 2

This does the same thing using different control structures and floating point arithmetic.
#include <stdio.h>

#define LOWER	0		/* begin table here */
#define UPPER	300		/* end table here */
#define STEP	20		/* increment */

 * print a table for Fahrenheit to Celsius
 * from 0 F to 300 F
 * floating point version
void main(void)
	float fahr;		/* fahrenheit temperature */

	 * print out the lines for the table
	for(fahr = LOWER; fahr <= UPPER; fahr += STEP)
		printf("%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, (5.0/9.0) *
							(fahr - 32));

	 * say goodbye

Program #3: Version 1 of cat(1)

This short program copies the standard input to the standard output.
#include <stdio.h>

 * copy input to output: short version
void main(void)
	int c;		/* input character */

	 * copy the input to the output
	 * one char at a time
	while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)

	 * say goodbye

Program #4: Version 2 of cat(1)

This does the same thing, again uses different control structures. Most C programmers would write this program the previous way.
#include <stdio.h>

 * copy input to output: long version
void main(void)
	int c;		/* input character */

	 * copy the input to the output
	 * one char at a time
	do {
		/* read a char */
		c = getchar();
		/* write a char (unless it's */
		/* the end of file marker)   */
		if (c != EOF)
	} while (c != EOF);

	 * say goodbye

Program #5: A Version of wc(1)

This program counts the number of lines, words, and characters in its input, where a "word" is defined as any sequence of non-whitespace characters (blanks, tabs, and newlines).
#include <stdio.h>

#define IN_WORD		1	/* currently inside a word */
#define NOTIN_WORD		0	/* currently not in a word */

 * count the number of lines, words, and chars in the input
 * a word is a maximal sequence of nonspace characters, so
 * the quote "+++ --- hi bye 879+3" has 5 words ("+++", "---",
 * "hi", "bye", and "879+3")
void main(void)
	register int c;		/* input char */
	register int nl;		/* line count */
	register int nw;		/* word count */
	register int nc;		/* char count */
	register int state;		/* in or not in a word? */

	 * initialize
	nl = nw = nc = 0;
	state = NOTIN_WORD;

	 * handle input a char at a time
	while((c = getchar()) != EOF){
		/* got another character */
		/* is it a newline? */
		if (c == '\n')
		/* is it a word separator? */
		if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')
			/* YES -- change state */
			state = NOTIN_WORD;
		else if (state == NOTIN_WORD){
			/* NO -- we're now in a word; update */
			/* the counter and state if need be  */
			state = IN_WORD;

	 * announce the results and quit
	printf("%6d\t%6d\t%6d\n", nl, nw, nc);

Program #6: Digit and Space Counter, Version 1

This is similar to the word counting program, but counts digits, whitespace, and everything else (grouped into the category "other"). Note the array.
#include <stdio.h>

 * count the number of each digit, whitespace,
 * and all other chars
void main(void)
	register int c;			/* input char */
	register int nwhite = 0;		/* whitespace count */
	register int nother = 0;		/* other count */
	register int i;			/* counter in a for loop */
	int ndigit[10];			/* digit counts */

	 * initialize the ndigit array
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		ndigit[i] = 0;

	 * handle input a char at a time
	while((c = getchar()) != EOF){
		/* see what it is */
		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9'){
			/* it's a digit -- bump the right count */
			ndigit[c - '0']++;
		else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'){
			/* it's whitespace */
			/* it's neither a digit nor whitespace */

	 * announce the results and quit
	printf("digits: ");
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
		printf("'%c' %3d\t", i + '0', ndigit[i]);
		/* put 5 digits per line, for neat output */
		if (i == 4)
			printf("\n        ");
	printf("whitespace: %d\nother:      %d\n", nwhite, nother);

Program #7: Digit and Space Counter, Version 2

This is also a digit counter, but uses a switch statement rather than an if ... else if ... else statement.
#include <stdio.h>

 * count the number of each digit, whitespace,
 * and all other chars
void main(void)
	register int c;			/* input char */
	register int nwhite = 0;		/* whitespace count */
	register int nother = 0;		/* other count */
	register int i;			/* counter in a for loop */
	int ndigit[10];			/* digit counts */

	 * initialize the ndigit array
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		ndigit[i] = 0;

	 * handle input a char at a time
	while((c = getchar()) != EOF){
		/* see what it is */
		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':	/* digit */
		case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
		case '8': case '9':
			ndigit[c - '0']++;
		case ' ': case '\t': case '\n':		/* whitespace */ 
		default:		/* neither a digit nor whitespace */

	 * announce the results and quit
	printf("digits: ");
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
		printf("'%c' %3d\t", i + '0', ndigit[i]);
		/* put 5 digits per line, for neat output */
		if (i == 4)  printf("\n        ");
	printf("whitespace: %d\nother:      %d\n", nwhite, nother);

Program #8a: Powers of 2 and -3

This program prints a table of 2 and -3 raised to the powers 0 to 9 inclusive. It illustrates the use of function calls.
#include <stdio.h>

 * prototype (forward declaration)
int power(int m, int n);

 * generate a table of powers of 2
void main(void)
	register int i;		/* counter in a for loop */

	 * generate the table
	for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		printf("%3d %6d %6d\n", i, power(2, i), power(-3, i));
	 * bye!

Program #8b: Simple Exponentiation Function

This is the function call, from the same program and (as I wrote it) in the same file. Interestingly enough, this program will still work if the two routines (main and pow) are in different files!
 * compute a power
 * arguments: 	int base	what you want to raise
 *	   		int n		non-negative integral power
 *					to raise base to
 * returns:	base ^ n (base ** n to you FORTRANers!)
 * exceptions:	none handled; overflow may occur, but there
 * 			will be no indication of it
int power(int base, int n)
	register int i;		/* counter in a for loop */
	register int p;		/* resulting power */

	 * do it the obvious, multiplicative, way
	for(i = 1, p = 1; i <= n; i++)
		p *= base;

Pascal and C

This handout contrasts C and Pascal, and is adapted from one done by Antoinette Heberlein.

C construct Pascal construct
Simple declaration:
type ID, ID;
where type is int, float, or char
(use int for boolean)
Simple declaration:
var ID, ID: type;
where type is integer, real, char, boolean
Array declaration:
type ID[];
example int scores[5];
access scores[3]
Array declaration:
type ID = array[] of type;
type sc = array[0..4] of integer;
var scores : sc;
access scores[3]
Complex declaration:
struct tag {
    type field_name;
} ID;
struct X {
     int a;
     float b;
} Z;
access Z.a, Z.b
Complex declaration:
type ID = record
    type ID;
type ZT = record
     a : integer;    
     b : real;
var Z : ZT;     
access Z.a, Z.b
type *ID;
example int *p;
allocate space
p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
dereference *p = 6;
Pointers to struct
struct tag *ID;
example struct X *pZ;
reference field pZ->a or (*pZ).a
Pointers to record
type ID = ^R;     
type R = record
    type field_name;
type pZ = ^Z;
type Z = record
    a : integer;
    b : real;
reference field ^pZ.a
Unusual Operators
division (if both args are ints, it's integer division; else float or double)
&& || logical and, or use lazy evaluation (when value can be determined, don't evaluate the rest)
? :
a?b:c evaluates a; if it's 0, it takes on the value of c; if a is nonzero, it takes on the value of b; only one of b and c is evaluated
Equivalent Operators
real division
integer division
and or
logical and, or don't use lazy evaluation so all parts of the expression are evaluated
no equivalent to the other operators in C listed at left

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Assignment lvalue = right hand side     Assignment left hand side := right   
lvalue evaluates to memory location     hand side left hand side is memory   
an expression, returning as value the   location not an expression, no       
value stored in the lvalue example i    value returned  example i := 0;      
= j = 0; shorthand LHS op= RHS means    no equivalent to the C shorthand     
LHS = LHS op RHS example i *= 7; i =                                         
i * 7 are the same note that the LHS                                         
is evaluated once, not twice, if the                                         
short form is used                                                           
Compound Statements {  statement;       Compound Statements begin            
statement; }                            statement;  statement; end           
Branching: if (expr) statement; else    Branching: if bool then statement    
statement; the else binds to the most   else statement; the else binds to    
previous unmatched if; only one         the most previous unmatched if;      
statement is executed unless you use    only one statement is executed       
a compound statement                    unless you use a compound statement  

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Switch switch (expression){ case        Case case expression of val1:        
val1:  statement1; break; case val2:    statement1; val2:  statement2;  no   
statement2; default:    statement3;     default end expression evaluates     
break; } expression evaluates to an     to an integer value which is         
integer value which is compared to      compared to the values; the          
the values in the cases; execution      corresponding statement is           
begins at the matching case; a break    executed; failure to match any       
takes you out of the switch; if         value is an error                    
nothing is matched, the default case                                         
is executed if present; else nothing                                         
is done                                                                      
For Loops: for(expr1; expr2; expr3)     For Loops: for ID := expr1 to        
statement; evaluate expr1; evaluate     expr2  do  statement; To count       
expr2; if expr2 is true, do             down, say downto rather than to      
statement, then expr3; reevaluate       example for i := 0 to 10 do          
expr2; repeat until it is false Note    write(i ` `);                        
expr1, expr2, expr3 can be any                                               
expressions example for(i = 0; i <=                                          
10; i+=1)  printf("%d ", i);                                                 
While Loops: while(expr) statement;     While Loops: while boolean do        
evaluate expr; if true, do statement;   statement; while boolean             
stop loop when expr is false example    expression is true, do statement;    
while(i <= 10){  printf("%d ", i);  i   stop loop when it is false example   
+= 2; }                                 while i <= 10 do begin  write(       
                                        i:2);  i := i + 2; end               
Do ... While Loop: do  statement;       Repeat ... until Loop: repeat        
while (expr); do statement; evaluate    statement; until boolean             
expr; loop until expr is false          expression; do statement; evaluate   
example do {  printf("%d ", i);  i +=   boolean expression; loop until it    
2; } while (i <= 10);                   is true example repeat               
                                        write(i:2);  i = i + 2; until i >    

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Subroutines return_type ID(parameter    Subroutines function ID(parameter    
list) {  body  return(value); } No      list) : return_type; begin  body     
procedures; everything is a function    ID := value; end procedure           
return_type is void if no value to be   ID(parameter list); begin  body      
returned return_type is int by          end value returned by assigning to   
default value returned using return     function name                        
statement return value                                                       
Parameter Passing: always call by       Parameter Passing: default is call   
value pass a pointer to alter the       by value declare ID as var in        
value of a variable                     parameter list for call by           

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Simple declaration: type ID, ID;        Simple declaration:  var ID, ID:     
where type is int, float, or char       type;  where type is integer,        
(use int for boolean)                   real, char, boolean                  
Array declaration: type ID[]; example   Array declaration:  type ID =        
int scores[5]; access scores[3]         array[] of type;  example   type     
                                        sc = array[0..4] of      integer;    
                                        var scores : sc;  access             
Complex declaration: struct tag {       Complex declaration: type ID =       
type field_name; } ID; example struct   record    type ID;    end; example   
X {  int a;  float b; } Z; access       type ZT = record     a : integer;    
Z.a, Z.b                                b : real;     end;   var Z : ZT;     
                                        access Z.a, Z.b                      
Pointers type *ID; example int *p;                                           
allocate space  p = (int                                                     
*)malloc(sizeof(int)); dereference *p                                        
= 6;                                                                         
Pointers to struct struct tag *ID;      Pointers to record type ID = ^R;     
example struct X *pZ; reference field   type R = record    type              
pZ->a or                  (*pZ)->a      field_name;     end; example type    
                                        pZ = ^Z; type Z = record   a :       
                                        integer;   b : real ;                
                                        end; reference field ^pZ.a           

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Unusual Operators / division (if both   Equivalent Operators / real          
args are ints, it's integer division;   division div integer division mod    
else float) % remainder &&  ||          remainder and or logical and, or     
logical and, or use lazy evaluation     don't use lazy evaluation so all     
(when value can be determined, don't    parts of the expression are          
evaluate the rest) ++ increment --      evaluated  no equivalent to the      
decrement ?: a?b:c evaluates a; if      other operators in C listed at left  
it's 0, it  takes on the value of c;                                         
if a is nonzero, it takes on the                                             
value of b; only one of b and c is                                           
Assignment lvalue = right hand side     Assignment left hand side := right   
lvalue evaluates to memory location     hand side left hand side is memory   
an expression, returning as value the   location not an expression, no       
value stored in the lvalue example i    value returned  example i := 0;      
= j = 0; shorthand LHS op= RHS means    no equivalent to the C shorthand     
LHS = LHS op RHS example i *= 7; i =                                         
i * 7 are the same note that the LHS                                         
is evaluated once, not twice, if the                                         
short form is used                                                           
Compound Statements {  statement;       Compound Statements begin            
statement; }                            statement;  statement; end           
Branching: if (expr) statement; else    Branching: if bool then statement    
statement; the else binds to the most   else statement; the else binds to    
previous unmatched if; only one         the most previous unmatched if;      
statement is executed unless you use    only one statement is executed       
a compound statement                    unless you use a compound statement  

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Switch switch (expression){ case        Case case expression of val1:        
val1:  statement1; break; case val2:    statement1; val2:  statement2;  no   
statement2; default:    statement3;     default end expression evaluates     
break; } expression evaluates to an     to an integer value which is         
integer value which is compared to      compared to the values; the          
the values in the cases; execution      corresponding statement is           
begins at the matching case; a break    executed; failure to match any       
takes you out of the switch; if         value is an error                    
nothing is matched, the default case                                         
is executed if present; else nothing                                         
is done                                                                      
For Loops: for(expr1; expr2; expr3)     For Loops: for ID := expr1 to        
statement; evaluate expr1; evaluate     expr2  do  statement; To count       
expr2; if expr2 is true, do             down, say downto rather than to      
statement, then expr3; reevaluate       example for i := 0 to 10 do          
expr2; repeat until it is false Note    write(i ` `);                        
expr1, expr2, expr3 can be any                                               
expressions example for(i = 0; i <=                                          
10; i+=1)  printf("%d ", i);                                                 
hile Loops: while(expr) statement;     While Loops: while boolean do        
evaluate expr; if true, do statement;   statement; while boolean             
stop loop when expr is false example    expression is true, do statement;    
while(i <= 10){  printf("%d ", i);  i   stop loop when it is false example   
+= 2; }                                 while i <= 10 do begin  write(       
                                        i:2);  i := i + 2; end               
Do ... While Loop: do  statement;       Repeat ... until Loop: repeat        
while (expr); do statement; evaluate    statement; until boolean             
expr; loop until expr is false          expression; do statement; evaluate   
example do {  printf("%d ", i);  i +=   boolean expression; loop until it    
2; } while (i <= 10);                   is true example repeat               
                                        write(i:2);  i = i + 2; until i >    

             C construct                         PASCAL construct            
Subroutines return_type ID(parameter    Subroutines function ID(parameter    
list) {  body  return(value); } No      list) : return_type; begin  body     
procedures; everything is a function    ID := value; end procedure           
return_type is void if no value to be   ID(parameter list); begin  body      
returned return_type is int by          end value returned by assigning to   
default value returned using return     function name                        
statement return value                                                       
Parameter Passing: always call by       Parameter Passing: default is call   
value pass a pointer to alter the       by value declare ID as var in        
value of a variable                     parameter list for call by           

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Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 10/10/97