Outline for April 1, 2022

Reading: text, §3–6
Assignments: Homework and Extra Credit 1, due Apr 11

  1. Operating system overview
    1. I/O functions
      1. Read data: polling, interrupts
      2. Direct memory access (DMA)
    2. Process functions
      1. Create, delete, schedule
      2. Synchronize, communicate
    3. Memory functions
      1. Share memory among many processes: address transformation
      2. Memory management
    4. Secondary storage functions
      1. Space management and addressing
      2. When to move data; scheduling
    5. User interface functions
      1. Enable users to run processes easily
    6. Other desirable features
      1. Efficient
      2. Reliable
      3. Maintainable
      4. Small
  2. Process as an abstraction
    1. Process is representation of a program executing
      1. Address space
      2. State information (frame, stack pointer, etc.)
      3. resources
    2. CPU virtualized, so process thinks only it is using the CPU
    3. Scheduling policy decides which process gets CPU, and for how long
  3. Process APIs
    1. Create process (fork()), delete process (_exit()), pause process (wait(),waitpid())
    2. Miscellaneous process control
    3. Process status
  4. Process status
  5. Process table entry

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: [email protected]
ECS 150, Operating Systems
Version of April 1, 2022 at 12:42AM

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