Notes for October 1, 1999
- Greetings and Felicitations!
- Go through handouts, class rules
- Puzzle of the day
- How do you design a security policy?
- Risk analysis
- Analysis of other factors
- Procedures
- Risk analysis
- What are the threats?
- How likely are they to arise?
- How can they best be dealt with?
- Analysis of other factors
- What else affects the policy (federal or state law, needs, etc.)?
- Law: as above; discuss jurisdiction (federal or local), problems
(authorities' lack of knowledge about computers, etc.); chain of
- Discuss cryptographic software controls (here, France, etc.)
Send email to
[email protected].
Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562
Page last modified on 9/30/99