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This handout describes some gen0seral thoughts and techniques for doing homework, as well as what is required, how to submit it, how late homeworks @/are handled, and other administrative matters.  Y`Turning In Homework qk oAll homework is due at noon on the due date, unless noted otherwise on the assignment. (This way, you have no 0wuincentive to skip the class while finishing your homework at the last minute!) These will be graded and returned to @Xyou as quickly as possible; well try for three class periods, but cant guarantee it . u qFor written homework, you must turn in an ASCII, a PostScript, or a PDF version of your answers (you can use any 0xtext processor you like to generate these). If you submit PostScript, please be sure the file will print on our department printers (use  ghostscript  or  gs  to check this; if it displays the file properly, the file should print correctly). If your file is a postscript file, choose a name that ends in .ps. If it is an ASCII file, please choose a name that ends in .txt. @?If your file is a PDF file, choose a name that ends in .pdf. vѪ pFor programs, turn in the source code and any related information (such as man pages and README files). Be sure 0ݪthat we can recompile it  without errors  by typing make. You are free to use any programming language that is availtable on the CSIF and that the ECS 153 graders can get to. C, C++ or assembly is acceptable. Any of the languages in vthe programming languages class is acceptable (assuming compilers and interpreters are available in the CSIF), and if you can write your programs in such a way that  troff (1) or  latex (1) can execute them, thats fine too. (Yes, someone @once wrote a BASIC interpreter as a set of  troff  macros. It was very slow, but it worked.) But use lots of comments! x oPlease turn in both your written exercises and programs electronically. Suppose you want to turn in the files  (@oanswers.ps  and  prog.c  for homework 3. To do this, go to the directory containing both and type y7`)handin  cs153r hw3 answers.ps prog.c z }This program will submit your files to the ECS 153 grader. (A manual page for the  handin  program is attached.) You R@Whave to do this from the CSIF;  handin  does not work from other systems.  {i`Doing Written Exercises |{ {When you are asked to analyze something, or explain something, please be complete, and  show your work  (including 0pany commands you give, and their output, to show how you did the problem). Otherwise, even if you get the right $answer, you will get  ZERO  (thats  0 ,  zip ,  nada ,  nothing ) points. Think your answer through and do a rough draft. Students (and professionals, actually) often overlook this, but it is  vital . Write clearly and cogently. If the question zasks for an opinion, state your opinion clearly, justify it, and dont ramble. Answers that start, My opinion is yes @]and conclude with on the other hand it could equally well be no wont get much credit. }`Doing Programming Exercises ઎ sPlease do not leave assignments for the last minute. The assignments are non-trivial and will require significant 0쪍mdesign time before you start programming and debugging. When we decide on the due dates, we assume you will uspend significant amounts of time on design as well as coding and debugging. If you choose not to do this, you will @3have difficulty finishing the assignments on time.  rPlease take the time to design your program carefully. More programming problems arise from improper design than 0sanything else, and the few hours you spend on design will be amply repaid by shorter coding and debugging phases. sSo please think the design and interfaces through, andas alwaystry to find the simplest way to do the assignment @8(within the limits given in the assignment, of course)! F tWe do not mind being asked for help; indeed, we welcome it because it helps us know what students are finding diffiRscult or confusing, and sometimes a few words about the problem in class will clarify the assignment immensely. We  ydo  mind being asked for help before you have tried to think the problem through. The classic objectionable question bl(this really happened) occurred on a homework assignment in which the class was given a buggy program. The tassignment said the program did not work, and the homework was to debug it and make it work. That particular class qperiod discussed how to deal with bugs, and gave tips and techniques on how to debug programs. Within 10 minutes HHˆ5HHˆ$l}: G eParagraph Format }:!G e Comments }l: )lGe2 EGxRMEGxREPwEPw TableFootnote HHˆMhHHˆ$vof the end of the class during which the assignment was given out, the instructor got this request for help: The pro@'gram doesnt run. What do I do now? `;So, before asking for help, please be sure that you have: `Cspent a significant amount of time on the design of your solution; `5used a debugger if the problem is a programming bug; `aread all relevant handouts, and news articles (because your question may be answered there); and `:tried everything you could think of to solve the problem. c qWhen you come to us, or send us a note, asking for help, please show us whatever you have done to solve the prob0owlem, because the first question we will ask you is What have you tried? This isnt because we think youre wasting wour time. Its because understanding how you have tried to solve the problem will help us figure out exactly what your sdifficulty is and what we can do to help you. Remember, we will do everything we can to avoid solving the problem @^for you. When we give you help, our goal is to help  you  solve the problem yourself. `*What We Look For In Programming Exercises  rWhen we grade your homework, we look for simplicity, clarity, elegance, and documentation. Heres a rough weightȪ@Cing of the various factors that go into the grade of each program:  ת`Correctness60%  ` Commenting, ease of reading20%  `Clean, readable output10%  `5Documentation (README, man page,  etc .)10%  sIf a program does not compile (or assemble), the maximum you can get is 30% of the value of the program. So check @&your programs before you submit them! 6`Late Homework H tYou can turn in your homework up to one class period late (unless the assignment says otherwise). If you turn it in 0Tvlate, we will grade it normally, and then deduct 20% as a late penalty. Requests for exceptions will be handled on a @0case-by-case basis; please do feel free to ask! w`Grade Appeals  vIf you feel that there is an error in grading, please come see me or the TA and well look over it (and possibly talk pqwith you about it). However, dont dally; any such request must be made within one week of when the grades were @9made available. After that, we won't change your grade. HHˆMjHHˆ'##ldMk'' HHˆMl%HHˆ44'`NAME `!handin file submission program ` SYNOPSIS `X/usr/pkg/bin/handin  touser  [  subdirectory  [  files  ... ] ] ` DESCRIPTION I phandin provides a secure means of submitting files to another user, recounting what has already been submitted, T@Band listing what subdirectories exist for containing submissions. c`USAGE o`Submitting files { ,With  touser ,  subdirectory  and  files  all specified, each file is copied to ~ touser /handin/ subdirectory / fromuser , 0 named with the original files  basename (1), and made owned by  touser . The directory  fromuser  is made if it {doesnt already exist and is named after the invoking user. Each file specified should have a  basename (1) unique @iamong any files already submitted by that user to  subdirectory , unless overwriting is desired. `Recounting submissions `Without  files  specified, information on previous submissions by the user to the specified  subdirectory  is shown. `%Listing existing  subdirectories ʪ`Run with only  touser  specified,  handin  just lists the existing subdirectories (regardless of accessability). ` EXAMPLES  媝 qThe following examples illustrate the use as a homework submission facility to the pseudo-user ``cs101 created @for this purpose: !`example1%  handin cs101 "`3Existing subdirectories (comments in parentheses): #`Asn1 (Due Mar 18) $`Asn2 (Due Mar 25) %`-example2%  handin cs101 Asn1 part1 part2 &`Submitting part1... ok '`Submitting part2... ok (`!example3%  handin cs101 Asn1 )`.The following input files have been received: *`6Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994 1599 bytes part1 +`6Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994 3412 bytes part2 ,x` SEE ALSO -`rcvhandin (8) .` DIAGNOSTICS / yhandin  itself provides only a little of the diagnostic information thats given and returns the number of errors en@Wcountered as its exit status. Any other information comes from  rcvhandin (8). 0`8Skipping  file : file non-existant or irregular 11ƪ tThe named file didnt exist or was probably a directory. The user should check to make sure that the file they spec@3ified was indeed the file they intended to submit. 2⪊`+Skipping  file : file not readable 3`-The named file was not readable by the user. 4`:Submitting  file ... failed [:  reason  ] 5 `rThe named file was not successfully submitted. If at all possible a reason is provided by  rcvhandin (8). 6` Submitting  file ... ok 7%`+The named file was successfully submitted. 84`NOTES 9@ handin  is really just a front-end to the  rcvhandin (8) program. The primary function of  handin  is to open the 2Knamed  files  with the effective user ID of the invoking user and pass on their contents to the  rcvhandin (8) program {having the effective user ID of  touser . This design provides a simple and portable means for implementing a file @Psubmission facility in even a non-homogeneous, network-file-system environment. :p`AUTHOR W;|`HLou Langholtz, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, 1994 HHˆMn%HHˆ$&&l}Q1#x$ OGwe C:Computer }:!*Ge Heading1 }:)uGe d:8-- $$:9+$$2a-2XSNID?:50+&! 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