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Go through it; UNIX uses this for  crypt (1) com@mand.   hPerfect secrecy: when the probability of computing the plaintext message is the same whether or not you +@have the ciphertext  :`OOnly cipher with perfect secrecy: one-time pads; C=AZPR; is that DOIT or DONT?  `DES  `Go through the algorithm `Public-Key Cryptography `,Basic idea: 2 keys, one private, one public `Cryptosystem must satisfy: `)given public key, CI to get private key; `+cipher withstands chosen plaintext attack; `]encryption, decryption computationally feasible [note: commutativity  not  required] A`iT1$ jWeCharacter Macros }l :@il jWe } :Bi jWe }$H:Di.2$HjW e Character }l:Fi13ljW e Replace With }:Hi24jW e Comments }$H:Ji35$HjW e }l:Li46ljW e¢ }:Ni5FjW e }$H:{i<8$HjW e }l:}i79ljW e... }:i8jW e }$H:i?;$HjW e }l:i:<ljW e- }:i;7jW  e }$H:iB>$Hj W! e }l:i=?lj W" e-- }:i>:j W# e }$H:iEA$Hj W$ e }l:i@Blj W% e° }:iA=j W& e }$H:iHD$Hj W' e }l:iCElj W( e® }:iD@j W) e }$H:i6G$Hj W* e }l:iFHlj W+ e© }:iGCj W, e }$Z :i]M$Z j W-eGeneral Macros }Z :iZ j W.e }Z :iZ j W/e }\Z :i\Z j W0e }$jh:iIN$jhjW1 e Macro Name }jh:iMOjhjW2 e Replace With }jh:iNPjhjW3 eHead }\j:iOQ\jjW4 e Comments }$zh:iPR$zhjW5 e }zh:iQSzhjW6 e }zh:iRTzhjW7 e }\z:iS.\zjW8 e }$$ ;imX$$ j W9eCross-Reference Macros }$ ;i$ j W:e }D$ ;iD$ j W;e }$4;iUY$4j W< e Macro Name }4; iXZ4j W= e Replace With }D4;"iY[D4j W> e Comments }$D;$iZ\$Dj W? 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