Outline for April 27, 2004
Reading: Chapters 2, 3.1-3.2, 4.1-4.5
Outline for the Day
- Access Control Matrix
- Subjects, objects, and rights
- Primitive commands: create subject/object, enter right, delete
right, destroy subject/object
- Copy flag
- Attenuation of privileges
- HRU Result
- Notion of leakage in terms of ACM
- Determining security of a generic system with generic rights
is undecidable
- Meaning: can't derive a generic algorithm; must look at (sets
of) individual case
- Policy
- Sets of authorized, unauthorized states
- Secure systems in terms of states
- Mechanism vs. policy
- Types of Policies
- Military/government vs. confidentiality
- Commercial vs. integrity
- Types of Access Control
- Mandatory access control
- Discretionary access control
- Originator-controlled access control
- High-Level Policy Languages
- Characterization
- Example: DTEL
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