Outline for January 24, 2007
Greetings and Felicitations!
Expressive power
Multiparent joint creates in HRU
Adding multiparent joint creates to SPM (giving ESPM)
Simulation of multiparent joint creates by 2-parent joint creates
Monotonic ESPM, monotonic HRU equivalent
Safety question in ESPM decidable if acyclic attenuating scheme
Comparing Expressive Power of Models
Graph representation
Go through 3-parent joint create as simulated by 2-parent joint create
Correspondence between two schemes in terms of graph representation
Formal definition of scheme A simulating scheme B
Model expressive power
Result: monotonic 1-parent models less expressive than monotonic multiparent models (so ESPM more expressive than SPM)
Typed Access Matrix Model
Add notion of type for entities--set of types T, set of subject types TS ⊆ T
New create rules: specify subject/object type
Safety decidable for systems with acyclic MTAM schemes
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