February 25, 2014 Outline

Reading: § 32, 16.1–16.2; paper [WB04]
Assignment due: Homework #3, due March 4, 2014

  1. Traducement
    1. Problem of recordation
    2. Requirements of solution
    3. Ideas, entities, and rules
    4. Proposition and theorems
    5. Naming
    6. Validation of model
    7. Consequences
      1. Practice and use
      2. Assumptions
  2. Entropy
  3. Entropy-based analysis
    1. Flow of information from x to y
    2. Implicit flow of information
  4. Non-lattice policies
    1. Transitivity
    2. Information flow policy
    3. Confinement flow model
  5. Transitive non-lattice policies
    1. Quasi-ordered sets

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