February 27, 2014 Outline

Reading: §16; paper [HS97]
Assignment due: Homework #3, due March 4, 2014; Project: due March 21, 2014

  1. Entropy-based analysis
    1. Flow of information from x to y
    2. Implicit flow of information
  2. Non-lattice policies
    1. Transitivity
    2. Information flow policy
    3. Confinement flow model
  3. Transitive non-lattice policies
    1. Quasi-ordered sets
  4. Non-transitive policies
    1. Dual mappings
    2. Theorem: a dual mapping from a reflexive information flow policy into an ordered set is order-preserving
  5. Compiler-based flow mechanisms
    1. Scalar declarations
    2. Array declarations
    3. Assignment statements
    4. Compound statements
    5. Conditional statements
    6. Iterative statements
    7. Goto statements
    8. Procedure calls

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