Outline for January 11, 2001

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. First part of project due Friday
    2. Web page up and running!
  2. Process models
    1. Theorem: If a system is mutually noninterfering, it is determinate.
    2. Theorem: Let fp be an interpretation of process p. Let PI be a system of processes, with p in PI. If for all such p, domain(p) <> Ø and range(p) <> Ø, but fp unspecified, is determinate for all fp, then all processes in PI are mutually noninterfering
    3. Maximally parallel system: determinate system for which the removal of any pair from the relation -> makes the two processes in the pair interfering processes.
  3. Critical section problem
    1. Mutual exclusion
    2. Progress
    3. Bounded wait
  4. Classical problems
    1. Producer/consumer
    2. Readers/writers (first: readers priority; second: writers priority)
    3. Dining philosophers
  5. Basic language constructs
    1. Semaphores
    2. Send/receive
  6. Evaluating higher-level language constructs
    1. Modularity
    2. Constraints
    3. Expressive power
    4. Ease of use
    5. Portability
    6. Relationship with proram structure
    7. Process failures, unanticipated faults (exception handling)
    8. Real-time systems
  7. Higher-level language constructs
    1. Monitors
    2. Crowd monitors
    3. Invariant expressions
    4. CSP
    5. RPC
    6. ADA(tm)

The handout "Mutual Non-Interference and Determinism" does not translate into HTML because of the notations. Please download the PDF or Postscript version from the class home page.

Matt Bishop
Office: 3059 Engineering Unit II Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Fax: +1 (530) 752-4767
Email: [email protected]
Copyright Matt Bishop, 2001. All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print.

Page last modified on 1/10/2000