Outline for February 15, 2001

  1. 1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. Tuesday, Feb 20 3-4:30: Friday Feb 23 1:10-2:30; go to 1101 Hart Hall to view
  2. Application: clock synchronization in the face of faults
    1. interactive convergence algorithm
    2. interactive consistency algorithm
  3. Example of time protocol: NTP
  4. Distributed File Systems
    1. Goals: network transparency, high availability
    2. Architecture: flat (all servers); have specific file servers and clients
    3. Critical services: name server (resolves file names), cache manager (speeds accessses up)
  5. Building Blocks
    1. Mounting: binds differing name spaces to a single global view of the name space
  6. Mounting
    1. Put the name space at a point in the file tree, as a directory (mount point)
    2. Mount table maps mount points to remote file servers
    3. Maintain mount info at client: each client mounts file systems individually; updates in client (NFS)
    4. Maintain mount info at server: every client sees identical name space; updates at server only (Sprite)
  7. Caching
    1. Reduces delays in file accesses
    2. Copy data to local client ; exploits temporal locality
  8. Hints
    1. Like caching, but regard data as not reliable
    2. Example: store name resolution data, and work from closest back; invalidate cache entries on failure
  9. Encryption
    1. Use Needham-Schroeder (describe generic protocol)
  10. Naming

Matt Bishop
Office: 3059 Engineering Unit II Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Fax: +1 (530) 752-4767
Email: [email protected]
Copyright Matt Bishop, 2001. All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print.

Page last modified on 2/15/2001