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CEW)a HUV ;.HUV 3Ge HUV ;05+HUV 22l H$ ;1H$ 5Ge H$ ;33H$ 44l HHˆ;4HHˆf!//7  `Answers to Homework #2  `5Due Date : February 1, 2001 Points : 60 A@ y( 10 points ) Number all the forks in the Dining Philosopher's problem and require that each philosopher request 0Lnan even-numbered fork before an odd-numbered fork. Will this allocation strategy prevent deadlock and starva@Gtion? Is it a form of a well-known strategy (named in section 3.9.3)? ! hYes. This solution avoids deadlock because there is no longer any symmetry in the way the philosophers rpick up their forks (that is, all cannot pick up their left forks simultaneously.) Assuming philosophers pick up pforks in the order each fork is requested, it avoids starvation because only one philosopher can pick up either vfork; the others are constrained to pick up one particular fork, and in some cases that fork is the left one while in @aother cases that fork is the right one. This is an example of the heirarchical allocation rule. r ( 15 points ) Using the definitions given in class, prove that  S  is not a deadlock state does not imply that  S  is a q@safe state. -*D< Let  S  be a state other than a deadlocked state. Then there exists no process  p i  which is deadlocked in  S . 0/By definition this means there is at least one state  T  for which  S  *  T  and  p i  is not blocked in  T . Note the words *at least in the above sentence; it is certainly possible that there is some state  T'  for which  S  *  T' ,  p i  is blocked 0in  T' , and for every state  T''  reachable from  T' ,  p i  is blocked. In this case there is at least one state  T'  reachable UU@Sfrom  S  that is a deadlock state; hence,  S  is not a safe state. O ( 15 points ) Assume a system has  p  processes and  r  identical units of a reusble resource. If each process can claim 0Nat most  n  units of the resource, show that the system will be deadlock free if, and only if,  r   p ( n 1)+1 [text, @problem 3.7]. .!3 q(  ) Assume the system is deadlock free. At least one process must have all its resource requests satis0-3fied. In the worst case, all processes request  n  units of the resource. If only one process is to have its requests satxisfied, each process can hold up to  n 1 units of the resource, with one unit left over (to satisfy one of the @iprocesses). Hence there must be at least  p ( n 1)+1 units of the resource, as claimed. !2 (  ) Assume a system of the sort described above has at least  p ( n 1)+1 units of a resource. Let  p  processes request  n  resource units. Each process can acquire  n 1 units of the rsource, and the remaining unit will be given xto one of theprocesses. The others block. However, that one process can run to completion. It then releases  n  H$ == l H$ A;H$ <WDhHAnswers to Homework #2 ECS 251 Winter 2001Page  1  HUV A;<@HUV ?? l HUV A;HUV >WEhALast modified at 3:07 pm on Wednesday, March 14, 2001 HHˆA;>HHˆAA l HHˆA;HHˆ@WFe dD:dCC l dD:dR9BRUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1dLeftd;Rightd ReferenceddHTMLd:HTMLd Headings@@ VMapping Table Title. @@ VBody. L̀Lf@N V Numbered N:.< =1>. L̀Lf@N V ~Numbered N:.< =1>. @@ VFooter. f@T V TableTitleT:Table : . f@ V Answer1ItalicAnswer: . $f@ V Answer. f@ V Answer1ItalicAnswer: . @@ VHeader Double Line. f@ V CellFooting. f@ V CellHeading. f@ V CellBody. @@ VMapping Table Cell. @@1Mapping Table Cell. @@ 1Mapping Table Cell. @@ VMapping Table Cell.  f@PVTitleBody. f@ VBody. f@NE V Numbered1 N:.Numbered. f@ VBody. L̀Lf@N V 6Numbered N:.< =1>. f@ V BodySpaced. f@ V. BodySpaced Single Line. f@ V Bulleted\t. f@ V...Date. mf@ Vl. 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