Due: Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 11:59 p.m.
Points: 100
Please turn in your answers for the homework assignment on Canvas under Homework #3 in Assignments.
The string? heLlo↵ heLlo is not abcdearian The string? aLmost↵ aLmost is abcdearian The string? w3i$l0l!ow↵ w3i$l0l!ow is not abcdearian The string? e3f$f0o!rt↵ e3f$f0o!rt is abcdearian The string? cOmpuTer↵ cOmpuTer is not abcdearian The string? ABcDE↵ ABcDE is abcdearian The string? control-D
Write a program that computes the average, standard deviation, maximum difference between air inspired and expired for each breath, and the minimum difference between air inspired and air expired for each breath. Your output should look like this (but with the correct numbers; the ones here are wrong):
Average volume of air inspired is 120.15 ml with a standard deviation of 328.90 Average volume of air expired is 121.82 ml with a standard deviation of 561.20 The maximum difference between air inspired and expired is 289 The minimum difference between air inspired and expired is 5
Last modified: Version of February 11, 2018 at 9:06PM Winter Quarter 2018 You can get a PDF version of this |